Sunday, October 26, 2014

Being connected or living dead?

I entered a café yesterday. Dead silence. Has something happened? I looked around, the tables were occupied by people of different ages, each starred at a computer or phone screen. Not one engaged with another. The cluttering from the barista was a relief to hear, she turned on music to fill the deadness in the room. Did I just walk into a sci-fi film? Nope. This is the modern world I was told.

I went out for the evening in San Francisco and came upon one of the oldest cafes and bookstores. Pictures of people, the smell of old books, coffee and pastries engraved in the walls, I could feel the richness of life present in those rooms. People sipped tea and actually talked with each other. A couple snuggled on a worn couch, their kisses looked delicious and wild. Two students butted heads in a heated argument, sounded like politics to me. A grey haired woman was softly playing guitar and a gentleman in style and suite wrote his screen play. Aliveness, love, creativity was flowing naturally here.

It reminds me when I was on a boat to meet my whale friends. Beneath the clear blue sky we travelled not far, suddenly two humpbacks rose from the water only a few feet away. Life, in full splendor and glory. What a magnificent sight to behold, I was in awe and moved to tears by the sheer sacredness of it all. When a school of dolphins joined and played in utter joy in the waves around us, most people’s faces lifted into smiles and cheers (best facelift ever). Connected and open we experience happiness. We are in Love.

But, when we are in a state of separation from the spirit of life, our selves and each other we suffer. We might escape into the mind, disappear from our bodies and the earth, we feel discontented or depressed, negative, isolated, anxious, lost, closed down and overwhelmed. Our relationships get tangled into complicated knots and walls are built. Misery arrives in its many disguises and deadness can spread like a silent disease. We may try not to feel any pain or joy, nor hear the beckoning of soul, and fill desperately the gaping hole with endless substitutes. Computers come in handy, but they cannot give life or real connection.

What helps us to remember who we are, and open into the source of life? What supports us to be present and really connect with each other? What enables us to meet challenges with courage and celebrate life with gusto?  What allows us to respond from love with all of our human vulnerability?

There are many ways that lead us home. A kind hand from a friend, waking into the preciousness of life in the blink of an eye, feeling the soft fur of your cat or dog, listening to the wisdom of our heart, practicing acceptance toward what we experience in this moment, reaching out to resolve a conflict into understanding, a good belly laugh, sobbing buckets when sad, seeing sunlight pierce through the clouds, putting your nose into a bouquet of flowers, sharing words and deeds from love…

It is my honor to offer a hand across the bridge for you, our relationships and leaders in this world. With a twinkle and a smile,

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Throughout time, great people who dare to bring forth deep truth, who carry a lot of light into the world have been murdered and we might wonder why. When light shines powerful it illuminates the darkest places in the world and in our own psyche too. Many feel threatened by that and project their own shadows unto others, instead of facing it themselves. When a person enters a dark room with a strong light our garbage pile becomes rather obvious then. But often, instead of taking responsibility, we throw the trash unto the bearer of light- as if he or she is to blame for the existence of one’s own dirt. 

Sounds insane, but it happens all the time. Some people have gone as far as killing people like Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, or the masses of wise women who were burnt at the stake, and others who dared to live from a greater truth with a love that arose from their hearts. When truth shines forth some people and establishments fight hard with any means, clutching unto a false sense of control. Throughout centuries women who stood up, who shed light and spoke their voices were killed. No wonder, that fear is still present in the very cells of our feminine bodies and we tend to hold back our power and gift by that. We go so far as to fear our own light. 

But this is not the time to hide our light under a bushel anymore, we are all needed and called now to be daring. To embrace our greatest gift is not an intellectual affair, it must be felt and experienced. And this light will burn and melt all our made beliefs and delusions away. 

To step out from hiding takes courage, for you never know what will come your way. It does not mean you will be spared heart ache and challenges-what a mistaken notion has been passed along in the new age fever-but you will be wrapped into its glow and ignited by its fire. You will grow strong and learn, that through this light you can meet whatever you encounter on your path, without shutting down or turning away. 

And one more light brings forth not only a brighter world and a happier you, it can lead us through the darkest dungenouns home into true love and changes the world for everyone of us. Let it shine through the cracks of a broken heart, let it pour forth in your moments of loving. Let it take you by the hand and guide you deeper into the river of life, to quench your thirst... and fill the hunger in our souls...


Monday, February 17, 2014

Love, no matter what

What matters most to you? The dark haired lady at the check out counter looked up from her pile of documents and said with a surprised smile:” Love. If we had more of it we would not create this insanity in our world.” Wisdom of the sages can be found in the local post office too. So what does it take then to grow more?

It takes courage to keep the heart open, so we can really love and be loved. And by that we simply are in love. But we all experience blows, betrayals and other hurts on the sometimes bumpy road of life. It’d be so easy, if only everyone was nice to us all the time…(and those who behave crappy, are sent off to a far away island, ...that probably would be all of us in the end). In reaction to difficulties and pain we often find clever ways to guard our vulnerability; we shut down, build walls, hide our hearts in a tight box and loose the key-you know the ordeal. What a dilemma though; to the extent we have closed down we are cut off from love, our essence and feel disconnected from the natural pulse and juice of life. We may leave our bodies and live in the mind, disappear into space, judge and try to control others, practice a lofty spirituality, or plunge into a dark hole altogether. A myriad of complications in relationships arise and our own suffering spreads out on the living room floor.

What might it be like to make friends with our own vulnerability and those of our fellow humans? And tend to what we experience without escape? Courage grows as we allow ourselves to open and meet the whole enchilada: the twinkle of joy and the tears of pain in this one precious life. Can we let our hearts become as wide as the world in answer to the horror and beauty we encounter on our planet? And drink deep from the well to pour forth love, like there is no tomorrow.

When I remember the reality that indeed this could be my final day, I ask myself what would I live today. This poem below arose from such a moment as this. May it inspire you to take a risk. Enjoy the wine of true love with each other every day! Nicola

Love, no matter what
All the way through
Meet with courage
Storms and challenges
That strengthen you. 
Rise in heavenly glories
And gentle winds
That lift your soul.

Love, no matter what
Whether you are crowned and praised
By cheering crowds
Or hanged on this world's cross.

Love, no matter what
Through gain and loss
In this life's play.
For love will make you shine
You are that blazing light 
In which no shadow can exist
and truth just is.

Love, no matter what
But for the sake of Love

Your heart is big enough!

If you like it, my poetrybook "Nothing but Love" can be ordered on Amazon.Nothing but Love
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All material copyright, by Nicola Amadora