Friday, September 28, 2012

Connected with all of life


I was alone on Mt. Shasta for a silent retreat, camping in the wild, swimming in pure lakes and meditating long times at the sacred well. Some of you may have been there, or your journey may lead you one day to this special place.
I remember the sunrise one morning- flooding a vast field of wildflowers in golden light, giving way to an immense view across the mountains and the valley below. It was paradise and I was filled with a profound reverence and gratitude for the sheer existence of it all.
Sometimes we need to step out of the familiar, the story of our lives, let the mind rest in the backseat, open our hearts and arms wide and just walk right into the Unknown. By that we might gain a greater view and enter through the gates into what is true. When we look from a higher place then the usual, where we are less identified with the stuff we tend to carry around, we see more clearly what is real, remember who we are, what truly matters in life and we might gain vision for our next step, which can lead us to new shores.

Immersed in silence, in the breathtaking beauty and utter sacredness, I felt my own veils lifting and was taken into what is most natural: oneness with all creation. 
In that moment a deer walked up to me and stood like an old friend so closely by my side, our bodies almost touching in this peace of being together. A hummingbird landed on my head, looking for nectar or a nest? A hawk circled me from above with a screeching sound- who is the prey I wondered? All of nature responds, when we open into who we truly are. For in that we are intimately connected with all of life. 
In this awakeness, in love all is embraced and met- our hardships, pains, failures, ignorance, our longings, joys, celebrations, victories, deliciousness….Nothing is left out, not you either- welcomed simply as you are.

Through our willingness to be present with what is and center in love, we can truly connect with one another in most simple ways- by sharing a meal, a word of kindness, a smile or our so human tears. How easily this can be forgotten in a world of delusions, where a buzzing business, some grandiose ideas or a daily treadmill can take over and put us to sleep. This might be as good of a moment as any other, to stop for a breath or two and sense the aliveness in the body, the longing inside the heart, the love that beholds you. When allowed, it will take you all the way home. Trust and follow it my friend! May we give each other a hand, for none of us can make it alone. And if you forget- just listen, be present, for the heart speaks in the silence, the wind, the sunset, the eyes of a child, the touch of a friends hand: The power of love is always here -in and all around us. Are you?
Sending you warmth of the Indian summer here, Nicola

Copyright@Nicola Amadora